
SeedDMS_Core_Folder extends SeedDMS_Core_Object
in package

Class to represent a folder in the document management system

A folder in SeedDMS is equivalent to a directory in a regular file system. It can contain further subfolders and documents. Each folder has a single parent except for the root folder which has no parent.






Release: @package_version@


Uwe Steinmann


Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Markus Westphal, 2006-2008 Malcolm Cowe, 2010 Matteo Lucarelli, 2010-2024 Uwe Steinmann

Table of Contents


$_dms  : SeedDMS_Core_DMS
$_notifyList  : array<string|int, mixed>
$_accessList  : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_UserAccess>|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_GroupAccess>
$_attributes  : array<string|int, mixed>
$_comment  : string
$_date  : mixed
$_defaultAccess  : int
$_documents  : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>
$_id  : int
$_inheritAccess  : bool
$_name  : string
$_owner  : SeedDMS_Core_User
$_ownerID  : int
$_parent  : SeedDMS_Core_Folder
$_parentID  : int
$_readAccessList  : array<string|int, mixed>
$_sequence  : int
$_subFolders  : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Folder>


__construct()  : mixed
SeedDMS_Core_Folder constructor.
addAccess()  : bool
Add access right to folder
addDocument()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Add a new document to the folder This method will add a new document and its content from a given file.
addNotify()  : int
Add a user/group to the notification list
addSubFolder()  : bool|SeedDMS_Core_Folder
Add a new subfolder
applyDecorators()  : object
Apply decorators
changeAccess()  : bool
Change access right of folder
cleanNotifyList()  : mixed
Make sure only users/groups with read access are in the notify list
clearAccessList()  : bool
Delete all entries for this folder from the access control list
clearCache()  : mixed
Clear cache of this instance.
emptyFolder()  : bool
Empty recursively a folder
getAccessList()  : bool|SeedDMS_Core_GroupAccess|SeedDMS_Core_UserAccess
Returns a list of access rights
getAccessMode()  : int
Get the access mode of a user on the folder
getApproversList()  : mixed
Get List of users and groups which have read access on the folder.
getAttribute()  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Returns an attribute of the object for the given attribute definition
getAttributes()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Returns all attributes set for the object
getAttributeValue()  : array<string|int, mixed>|string
Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition
getAttributeValueAsArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition
getAttributeValueAsString()  : string
Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition
getComment()  : string
Returns comment of folder
getDate()  : int
Return creation date of folder
getDefaultAccess()  : bool|int
Returns default access
getDMS()  : SeedDMS_Core_DMS
Returns instance of dms
getDocuments()  : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>|bool
Get all documents of the folder
getDocumentsMinMax()  : bool|array<string|int, mixed>
Get the min and max sequence value for documents
getFolderList()  : string
Get the internally used folderList which stores the ids of folders from the root folder to the parent folder.
getFolderPathPlain()  : string
Returns a path like used for a file system
getFoldersMinMax()  : bool|array<string|int, mixed>
Get the min and max sequence value for folders
getGroupAccessMode()  : int
Get the access mode for a group on the folder
getID()  : int
Returns the internal id of the object
getInstance()  : SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool
Return a folder by its id
getInstanceByData()  : SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool
Return a folder by its database record
getInstanceByName()  : SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool
Return a folder by its name
getName()  : string
Get the name of the folder.
getNotifyList()  : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_User>|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Group>|bool
Get a list of all notification
getOwner()  : object
Returns the owner
getParent()  : null|bool|SeedDMS_Core_Folder
Returns the parent
getPath()  : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Returns an array of all parents, grand parent, etc. up to the root folder.
getReadAccessList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a list of groups and users with read access on the folder
getSearchFields()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Return an array of database fields which used for searching a term entered in the database search form
getSearchTables()  : string
Return a sql statement with all tables used for searching.
getSequence()  : mixed
getSubFolders()  : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Folder>|bool
Returns a list of subfolders
hasDocumentByName()  : bool
Check if folder has document with given name
hasDocuments()  : int
Check, if folder has documents
hasSubFolderByName()  : bool
Check, if folder has as subfolder with the given name
hasSubFolders()  : int
Check, if folder has subfolders
inheritsAccess()  : bool
Check, if folder inherits access rights
isDescendant()  : bool
Check, if this folder is a subfolder of a given folder
isSubFolder()  : bool
Check if the folder is subfolder
isType()  : mixed
Check if this object is of type 'folder'.
remove()  : bool
Remove recursively a folder
removeAccess()  : bool
Remove all access rights of folder
removeAttribute()  : bool
Remove an attribute of the object for the given attribute definition
removeNotify()  : int
Removes notify for a user or group to folder
reorderDocuments()  : bool
Reorder documents of folder
repair()  : bool
Checks the internal data of the folder and repairs it.
setAttributeValue()  : bool
Set an attribute of the object for the given attribute definition
setComment()  : bool
Set comment of folder
setDate()  : bool
Set creation date of the folder
setDefaultAccess()  : bool
Set default access mode
setDMS()  : mixed
Set dms this object belongs to.
setInheritAccess()  : bool
Set inherited access mode
setName()  : bool
Set the name of the folder.
setOwner()  : bool
Set the owner
setParent()  : bool
Set a new folder
setSequence()  : mixed
removeFromDatabase()  : bool
Remove a single folder



public array<string|int, mixed> $_notifyList

list of notifications for users and groups


protected array<string|int, mixed> $_attributes

list of attributes


protected int $_defaultAccess

default access if access rights are not inherited


protected bool $_inheritAccess

true if access is inherited, otherwise false


protected array<string|int, mixed> $_readAccessList

list of notifications for users and groups


protected int $_sequence

position of folder within the parent folder



SeedDMS_Core_Folder constructor.

public __construct( $id,  $name,  $parentID,  $comment,  $date,  $ownerID,  $inheritAccess,  $defaultAccess,  $sequence) : mixed
$id :
$name :
$parentID :
$comment :
$date :
$ownerID :
$inheritAccess :
$defaultAccess :
$sequence :


Add access right to folder

public addAccess(int $mode, int $userOrGroupID, int $isUser) : bool

This method may change in the future. Instead of passing the a flag and a user/group id a user or group object will be expected.

$mode : int

access mode

$userOrGroupID : int

id of user or group

$isUser : int

set to 1 if $userOrGroupID is the id of a user

Return values


Add a new document to the folder This method will add a new document and its content from a given file.

public addDocument(string $name, string $comment, int $expires, object $owner, SeedDMS_Core_User $keywords, array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory$categories, string $tmpFile, string $orgFileName, string $fileType, string $mimeType, float $sequence[, array<string|int, mixed> $reviewers = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $approvers = array() ][, int|string $reqversion = 0 ][, string $version_comment = "" ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $version_attributes = array() ][, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow $workflow = null ][, int $initstate = S_RELEASED ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool

It does not check for access rights on the folder. The new documents default access right is read only and the access right is inherited.

$name : string

name of new document

$comment : string

comment of new document

$expires : int

expiration date as a unix timestamp or 0 for no expiration date

$owner : object

owner of the new document

$keywords : SeedDMS_Core_User

keywords of new document

$categories : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory>

list of category objects

$tmpFile : string

the path of the file containing the content

$orgFileName : string

the original file name

$fileType : string

usually the extension of the filename

$mimeType : string

mime type of the content

$sequence : float

position of new document within the folder

$reviewers : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

list of users who must review this document

$approvers : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

list of users who must approve this document

$reqversion : int|string = 0

version number of the content

$version_comment : string = ""

comment of the content. If left empty the $comment will be used.

$attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

list of document attributes. The element key must be the id of the attribute definition.

$version_attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

list of document version attributes. The element key must be the id of the attribute definition.

$workflow : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow = null
$initstate : int = S_RELEASED

initial document state (only S_RELEASED and S_DRAFT are allowed)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

false in case of error, otherwise an array containing two elements. The first one is the new document, the second one is the result set returned when inserting the content.


Add a user/group to the notification list

public addNotify(int $userOrGroupID, bool $isUser) : int

This method does not check if the currently logged in user is allowed to add a notification. This must be checked by the calling application.

$userOrGroupID : int
$isUser : bool

true if $userOrGroupID is a user id otherwise false

Return values

error code -1: Invalid User/Group ID. -2: Target User / Group does not have read access. -3: User is already subscribed. -4: Database / internal error. 0: Update successful.


Add a new subfolder

public addSubFolder(string $name, string $comment, object $owner, int $sequence[, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = array() ]) : bool|SeedDMS_Core_Folder
$name : string

name of folder

$comment : string

comment of folder

$owner : object

owner of folder

$sequence : int

position of folder in list of sub folders.

$attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = array()

list of document attributes. The element key must be the id of the attribute definition.

Return values

an error.


Apply decorators

public applyDecorators() : object
Return values

final object after all decorators has been applied


Change access right of folder

public changeAccess(int $newMode, int $userOrGroupID, int $isUser) : bool

This method may change in the future. Instead of passing the a flag and a user/group id a user or group object will be expected.

$newMode : int

access mode

$userOrGroupID : int

id of user or group

$isUser : int

set to 1 if $userOrGroupID is the id of a user

Return values


Make sure only users/groups with read access are in the notify list

public cleanNotifyList() : mixed


Delete all entries for this folder from the access control list

public clearAccessList([bool $noclean = false ]) : bool
$noclean : bool = false

set to true if notifier list shall not be clean up

Return values

true if operation was successful otherwise false


Clear cache of this instance.

public clearCache() : mixed

The result of some expensive database actions (e.g. get all subfolders or documents) will be saved in a class variable to speed up consecutive calls of the same method. If a second call of the same method shall not use the cache, then it must be cleared.


Empty recursively a folder

public emptyFolder() : bool

Removes all subfolders and documents of a folder but not the folder itself This method will call remove() on all its children. This method triggers the callbacks onPreEmptyFolder and onPostEmptyFolder. If onPreEmptyFolder returns a boolean then this method will return imediately. Be aware that the recursive calls of remove() will trigger the callbacks onPreRemoveFolder, onPostRemoveFolder, onPreRemoveDocument and onPostRemoveDocument.

Return values

true on success, false in case of an error


Returns a list of access rights

public getAccessList([int $mode = M_ANY ][, int $op = O_EQ ]) : bool|SeedDMS_Core_GroupAccess|SeedDMS_Core_UserAccess

If the folder inherits the access rights from the parent folder those will be returned. $mode and $op can be set to restrict the list of returned access rights. If $mode is set to M_ANY no restriction will apply regardless of the value of $op. The returned array contains a list of and objects. Even if the document has no access list the returned array contains the two elements 'users' and 'groups' which are than empty. The methode returns false if the function fails.

$mode : int = M_ANY

access mode (defaults to M_ANY)

$op : int = O_EQ

operation (defaults to O_EQ)

Return values


Get the access mode of a user on the folder

public getAccessMode(SeedDMS_Core_User $user[, string $context = '' ]) : int

The access mode is either M_READ, M_READWRITE, M_ALL, or M_NONE. It is determined

  • by the user (admins and owners have always access mode M_ALL)
  • by the access list for the user (possibly inherited)
  • by the default access mode

This method returns the access mode for a given user. An administrator and the owner of the folder has unrestricted access. A guest user has read only access or no access if access rights are further limited by access control lists all the default access. All other users have access rights according to the access control lists or the default access. This method will recursively check for access rights of parent folders if access rights are inherited.

Before checking the access itself a callback 'onCheckAccessFolder' is called. If it returns a value > 0, then this will be returned by this method without any further checks. The optional paramater $context will be passed as a third parameter to the callback. It contains the operation for which the access mode is retrieved. It is for example set to 'removeDocument' if the access mode is used to check for sufficient permission on deleting a document. This callback could be used to override any existing access mode in a certain context.

$user : SeedDMS_Core_User

user for which access shall be checked

$context : string = ''

context in which the access mode is requested

Return values

access mode


Get List of users and groups which have read access on the folder.

public getApproversList() : mixed

The list will not include any guest users, administrators and the owner of the folder.

This method is deprecated. Use SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getReadAccessList() instead.


Returns all attributes set for the object

public getAttributes() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool


Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition

public getAttributeValue(SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition $attrdef) : array<string|int, mixed>|string
$attrdef : SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|string

value of attritbute or false. The value is an array if the attribute is defined as multi value


Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition

public getAttributeValueAsArray(SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition $attrdef) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool

This is a short cut for getAttribute($attrdef)->getValueAsArray() but first checks if the object has an attribute for the given attribute definition.

$attrdef : SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool

even if the attribute is not defined as multi value


Returns an attribute value of the object for the given attribute definition

public getAttributeValueAsString(SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition $attrdef) : string

This is a short cut for getAttribute($attrdef)->getValueAsString() but first checks if the object has an attribute for the given attribute definition.

$attrdef : SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition
Return values

value of attritbute or false. The value is always a string even if the attribute is defined as multi value


Returns comment of folder

public getComment() : string
Return values



Return creation date of folder

public getDate() : int
Return values

unix timestamp of creation date


Returns default access

public getDefaultAccess() : bool|int

If access rights are inherited, the method will return the default access of the parent folder.

Return values

access right or fals in case of an error


Get all documents of the folder

public getDocuments([string $orderby = "" ][, string $dir = "asc" ][, int $limit = 0 ][, int $offset = 0 ]) : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>|bool

This method does not check for access rights. Use for checking each document against the currently logged in user and the access rights.

$orderby : string = ""

if set to 'n' the list is ordered by name, otherwise it will be ordered by sequence

$dir : string = "asc"

direction of sorting (asc or desc)

$limit : int = 0

limit number of documents

$offset : int = 0

offset in retrieved list of documents

Return values
array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>|bool

list of documents or false in case of an error


Get the min and max sequence value for documents

public getDocumentsMinMax() : bool|array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
bool|array<string|int, mixed>

array with keys 'min' and 'max', false in case of an error


Get the internally used folderList which stores the ids of folders from the root folder to the parent folder.

public getFolderList() : string
Return values

column separated list of folder ids


Returns a path like used for a file system

public getFolderPathPlain([bool $skiproot = false ][, string $sep = ' / ' ]) : string

This path contains by default spaces around the slashes for better readability. Run str_replace(' / ', '/', $path) on it or pass '/' as $sep to get a valid unix file system path.

The returned path is not a real path in a file system. It just uses the common syntax on unix systems to format a path.

$skiproot : bool = false

skip the name of the root folder and start with $sep

$sep : string = ' / '

separator between path elements

Return values

path separated with ' / '


Get the min and max sequence value for folders

public getFoldersMinMax() : bool|array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
bool|array<string|int, mixed>

array with keys 'min' and 'max', false in case of an error


Get the access mode for a group on the folder

public getGroupAccessMode(SeedDMS_Core_Group $group) : int

This method returns the access mode for a given group. The algorithmn applied to get the access mode is the same as describe at

$group : SeedDMS_Core_Group

group for which access shall be checked

Return values

access mode


Returns the internal id of the object

public getID() : int
Return values

id of document/folder


Return a folder by its name

public static getInstanceByName(string $name, SeedDMS_Core_Folder $folder, mixed $dms) : SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool

This method retrieves a folder from the database by its name. The search covers the whole database. If the parameter $folder is not null, it will search for the name only within this parent folder. It will not be done recursively.

$name : string

name of the folder

$folder : SeedDMS_Core_Folder

parent folder

$dms : mixed
Return values

found folder or false


Get the name of the folder.

public getName() : string
Return values

name of folder


Get a list of all notification

public getNotifyList([int $type = 0 ][, bool $incdisabled = false ]) : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_User>|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Group>|bool

This method returns all users and groups that have registerd a notification for the folder

$type : int = 0

type of notification (not yet used)

$incdisabled : bool = false

set to true if disabled user shall be included

Return values
array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_User>|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Group>|bool

array with a the elements 'users' and 'groups' which contain a list of users and groups.


Returns the owner

public getOwner() : object
Return values

owner of the folder


Returns an array of all parents, grand parent, etc. up to the root folder.

public getPath() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool

The folder itself is the last element of the array.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool


Returns a list of groups and users with read access on the folder

public getReadAccessList([bool $listadmin = 0 ][, bool $listowner = 0 ][, bool $listguest = 0 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

The list will not include any guest users, administrators and the owner of the folder unless $listadmin resp. $listowner is set to true.

$listadmin : bool = 0

if set to true any admin will be listed too

$listowner : bool = 0

if set to true the owner will be listed too

$listguest : bool = 0

if set to true any guest will be listed too

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of users and groups


Return an array of database fields which used for searching a term entered in the database search form

public static getSearchFields(SeedDMS_Core_DMS $dms, array<string|int, mixed> $searchin) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dms : SeedDMS_Core_DMS
$searchin : array<string|int, mixed>

integer list of search scopes (2=name, 3=comment, 4=attributes)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

list of database fields


Return a sql statement with all tables used for searching.

public static getSearchTables() : string

This must be a syntactically correct left join of all tables.

Return values

sql expression for left joining tables


Returns a list of subfolders

public getSubFolders([string $orderby = "" ][, string $dir = "asc" ][, int $limit = 0 ][, int $offset = 0 ]) : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Folder>|bool

This method does not check for access rights. Use for checking each folder against the currently logged in user and the access rights.

$orderby : string = ""

if set to 'n' the list is ordered by name, otherwise it will be ordered by sequence

$dir : string = "asc"

direction of sorting (asc or desc)

$limit : int = 0

limit number of subfolders

$offset : int = 0

offset in retrieved list of subfolders

Return values
array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Folder>|bool

list of folder objects or false in case of an error


Check if folder has document with given name

public hasDocumentByName(string $name) : bool
$name : string
Return values

true if document exists, false if not or in case of an error


Check, if folder has documents

public hasDocuments() : int

This method just checks if a folder has documents diregarding any access rights.

Return values

number of documents or false in case of an error


Check, if folder has as subfolder with the given name

public hasSubFolderByName(string $name) : bool
$name : string
Return values

true if subfolder exists, false if not or in case of an error


Check, if folder has subfolders

public hasSubFolders() : int

This method just checks if a folder has subfolders disregarding any access rights.

Return values

number of subfolders or false in case of an error


Check, if folder inherits access rights

public inheritsAccess() : bool
Return values

true, if access rights are inherited, otherwise false


Check, if this folder is a subfolder of a given folder

public isDescendant(object $folder) : bool

This is basically the opposite of SeedDMS_Core_Folder::isSubFolder()

$folder : object

parent folder

Return values

true if folder is a subfolder


Check if the folder is subfolder

public isSubFolder(SeedDMS_Core_Folder $subfolder) : bool

This method checks if the current folder is in the path of the passed subfolder. In that case the current folder is a parent, grant parent, grant grant parent, etc. of the subfolder or to say it differently the passed folder is somewhere below the current folder.

This is basically the opposite of SeedDMS_Core_Folder::isDescendant()

$subfolder : SeedDMS_Core_Folder

folder to be checked if it is a subfolder on any level of the current folder

Return values

true if passed folder is a subfolder, otherwise false


Check if this object is of type 'folder'.

public isType(string $type) : mixed
$type : string

type of object


Remove recursively a folder

public remove() : bool

Removes a folder, all its subfolders and documents This method triggers the callbacks onPreRemoveFolder and onPostRemoveFolder. If onPreRemoveFolder returns a boolean then this method will return imediately with the value returned by the callback. Otherwise the regular removal is executed, which in turn triggers further onPreRemoveFolder and onPostRemoveFolder callbacks and its counterparts for documents (onPreRemoveDocument, onPostRemoveDocument).

Return values

true on success, false in case of an error


Remove all access rights of folder

public removeAccess( $userOrGroupID,  $isUser) : bool

This method removes all access rights of a given user or group.

$userOrGroupID :
$isUser :
Return values


Removes notify for a user or group to folder

public removeNotify(int $userOrGroupID, bool $isUser[, int $type = 0 ]) : int

This method does not check if the currently logged in user is allowed to remove a notification. This must be checked by the calling application.

$userOrGroupID : int
$isUser : bool

true if $userOrGroupID is a user id otherwise false

$type : int = 0

type of notification (0 will delete all) Not used yet!

Return values

error code -1: Invalid User/Group ID. -3: User is not subscribed. -4: Database / internal error. 0: Update successful.


Reorder documents of folder

public reorderDocuments() : bool

Fix the sequence numbers of all documents in the folder, by assigning new numbers starting from 1 incrementing by 1. This can be necessary if sequence numbers are not unique which makes manual reordering for documents with identical sequence numbers impossible.

Return values

false in case of an error, otherwise true


Checks the internal data of the folder and repairs it.

public repair() : bool

Currently, this function only repairs an incorrect folderList

Return values

true on success, otherwise false


Set an attribute of the object for the given attribute definition

public setAttributeValue(SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition $attrdef, array<string|int, mixed>|string $value) : bool
$attrdef : SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition

definition of attribute

$value : array<string|int, mixed>|string

value of attribute, for multiple values this must be an array

Return values

true if operation was successful, otherwise false


Set comment of folder

public setComment( $newComment) : bool

This method calls the hooks onPreSetComment and onPostSetComment.

$newComment :

new comment

Return values

true if comment could be set, otherwise false


Set creation date of the folder

public setDate(int $date) : bool
$date : int

timestamp of creation date. If false then set it to the current timestamp

Return values

true on success


Set default access mode

public setDefaultAccess(int $mode[, bool $noclean = false ]) : bool

This method sets the default access mode and also removes all notifiers which will not have read access anymore.

$mode : int

access mode

$noclean : bool = false

set to true if notifier list shall not be clean up

Return values


Set dms this object belongs to.

public setDMS(SeedDMS_Core_DMS $dms) : mixed

Each object needs a reference to the dms it belongs to. It will be set when the object is created. The dms has a references to the currently logged in user and the database connection.

$dms : SeedDMS_Core_DMS

reference to dms


Set inherited access mode

public setInheritAccess(bool $inheritAccess[, bool $noclean = false ]) : bool

Setting inherited access mode will set or unset the internal flag which controls if the access mode is inherited from the parent folder or not. It will not modify the access control list for the current object. It will remove all notifications of users which do not even have read access anymore after setting or unsetting inherited access.

$inheritAccess : bool

set to true for setting and false for unsetting inherited access mode

$noclean : bool = false

set to true if notifier list shall not be clean up

Return values

true if operation was successful otherwise false


Set the name of the folder.

public setName(string $newName) : bool
$newName : string

set a new name of the folder

Return values


Set a new folder

public setParent(SeedDMS_Core_Folder $newParent) : bool

This method moves a folder from one parent folder into another parent folder. It will fail if the root folder is moved or the folder is moved into one of its own subfolders.

$newParent : SeedDMS_Core_Folder

new parent folder

Return values

true if operation was successful otherwise false


public setSequence(mixed $seq) : mixed
$seq : mixed


Remove a single folder

protected removeFromDatabase() : bool

Removes just a single folder, but not its subfolders or documents This method will fail if the folder has subfolders or documents because of referencial integrity errors.

Return values

true on success, false in case of an error

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