in package
Class to represent the complete document management system.
This class is needed to do most of the dms operations. It needs an instance of SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess to access the underlying database. Many methods are factory functions which create objects representing the entities in the dms, like folders, documents, users, or groups.
Each dms has its own database for meta data and a data store for document content. Both must be specified when creating a new instance of this class. All folders and documents are organized in a hierachy like a regular file system starting with a SeedDMS_Core_DMS::rootFolderID
This class does not enforce any access rights on documents and folders by design. It is up to the calling application to use the methods SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getAccessMode() and SeedDMS_Core_Document::getAccessMode() and interpret them as desired. Though, there are two convenient functions to filter a list of documents/folders for which users have access rights for. See SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterAccess() and SeedDMS_Core_DMS::filterUsersByAccess()
Though, this class has a method to set the currently logged in user (SeedDMS_Core_DMS::setUser()), it does not have to be called, because there is currently no class within the SeedDMS core which needs the logged in user. SeedDMS_Core_DMS itself does not do any user authentication. It is up to the application using this class.
$db = new SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess($type, $hostname, $user, $passwd, $name);
$db->connect() or die ("Could not connect to db-server");
$dms = new SeedDMS_Core_DMS($db, $contentDir);
Table of Contents
- $callbacks : array<string|int, mixed>
- $checkWithinRootDir : bool
- $contentDir : string
- $forceLink : bool
- $forceRename : bool
- $lasterror : string
- $maxDirID : int
- $noReadForStatus : array<string|int, mixed>
- $rootFolderID : int
- $usecache : bool
- $version : string
- $cache : array<string|int, mixed>
- $classnames : array<string|int, mixed>
- $db : SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess
- $decorators : array<string|int, mixed>
- $user : SeedDMS_Core_User
- __construct() : mixed
- Create a new instance of the dms
- addAttributeDefinition() : bool|SeedDMS_Core_User
- Add a new attribute definition
- addCallback() : bool
- Add a callback function
- addDecorator() : bool
- Add a decorator
- addDocumentCategory() : SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory|bool
- Add a new document category
- addGroup() : SeedDMS_Core_Group|bool
- Create a new user group
- addKeywordCategory() : mixed
- addRole() : object
- Create a new role
- addTransmittal() : object
- Create a new transmittal
- addUser() : bool|SeedDMS_Core_User
- Add a new user
- addWorkflow() : bool|SeedDMS_Core_Workflow
- Add a new workflow
- addWorkflowAction() : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action|bool
- Add new workflow action
- addWorkflowState() : bool|SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State
- Add new workflow state
- checkDate() : bool
- Checks if date conforms to a given format
- checkDocuments() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Returns a list of documents and error message not linked in the tree
- checkFolders() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Returns a list of folders and error message not linked in the tree
- checkIfEqual() : bool
- Checks if two objects are equal by comparing their IDs
- checkPasswordRequest() : bool|SeedDMS_Core_User
- Check if hash for a password request is valid.
- checkVersion() : bool
- Check if the version in the database is the same as of this package Only the major and minor version number will be checked.
- countTasks() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns all documents with a predefined search criteria
- createPasswordRequest() : string|bool
- Create a token to request a new password.
- deletePasswordRequest() : bool
- Delete a password request
- filterAccess() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Filter out objects which are not accessible in a given mode by a user.
- filterDocumentFiles() : mixed
- filterDocumentLinks() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Filter out document links which can not be accessed by a given user
- filterUsersByAccess() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Filter out users which cannot access an object in a given mode.
- getAllAttributeDefinitions() : bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition>
- Return list of all attribute definitions
- getAllGroups() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Group>
- Get a list of all groups
- getAllKeywordCategories() : mixed
- getAllRoles() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return list of all roles
- getAllTransmittals() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return list of all transmittals
- getAllUserKeywordCategories() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_KeywordCategory>|bool
- This method should be replaced by getAllKeywordCategories()
- getAllUsers() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return list of all users
- getAllWorkflowActions() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action>|bool
- Return list of workflow action
- getAllWorkflows() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow>|bool
- Return list of all workflows
- getAllWorkflowStates() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State>|bool
- Return list of all workflow states
- getAttributeDefinition() : bool|SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition
- Return a attribute definition by its id
- getAttributeDefinitionByName() : SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition|bool
- Return a attribute definition by its name
- getClassname() : string
- Return class name of classes instanciated by SeedDMS_Core
- getDB() : SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess
- Return database where meta data is stored
- getDBVersion() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Return the database version
- getDecorators() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return list of decorators
- getDocument() : SeedDMS_Core_Document
- Return a document by its id
- getDocumentByName() : SeedDMS_Core_Document|null|bool
- Returns a document by its name
- getDocumentByOriginalFilename() : SeedDMS_Core_Document|null|bool
- Returns a document by the original file name of the last version
- getDocumentCategories() : mixed
- getDocumentCategory() : mixed
- getDocumentCategoryByName() : SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory|bool
- Get a category by its name
- getDocumentContent() : bool|null|SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent
- Return a document content by its id
- getDocumentList() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Returns all documents with a predefined search criteria
- getDocumentsByUser() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns all documents of a given user
- getDocumentsExpired() : bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>
- Returns all documents which already expired or will expire in the future
- getDocumentsInReception() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return all waiting receptions
- getDocumentsInRevision() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Return all documents revisors waiting for a revision to start (sleeping) or are required to revise the document (waiting)
- getDocumentsLockedByUser() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns all documents locked by a given user
- getDuplicateDocumentContent() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Returns document content which is duplicated
- getDuplicateSequenceNo() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Returns folders which contain documents with none unique sequence number
- getFolder() : SeedDMS_Core_Folder
- Return a folder by its id
- getFolderByName() : SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool
- Return a folder by its name
- getGroup() : SeedDMS_Core_Group|bool
- Get a group by its id
- getGroupByName() : SeedDMS_Core_Group|bool
- Get a group by its name
- getKeywordCategory() : mixed
- getKeywordCategoryByName() : mixed
- getLoggedInUser() : SeedDMS_Core_User
- Get the logged in user
- getNoChecksumDocumentContent() : bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>
- Returns document content which has no checksum set
- getNoFileSizeDocumentContent() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>|bool
- Returns document content which has no file size set
- getNotificationsByGroup() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get all notifications for a group
- getNotificationsByUser() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Get all notifications for a user
- getProcessWithoutUserGroup() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Returns a list of reviews, approvals, receipts, revisions which are not linked to a user, group anymore
- getRole() : object
- Get a role by its id
- getRoleByName() : object
- Get a role by its name
- getRootFolder() : SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool
- Get root folder
- getStatisticalData() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Returns statitical information
- getTransmittal() : object
- Get a transmittal by its id
- getTransmittalByName() : object
- Get a transmittal by its name
- getUnlinkedDocumentContent() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Returns document content which is not linked to a document
- getUser() : SeedDMS_Core_User|bool
- Return a user by its id
- getUserByEmail() : object
- Return a user by its email
- getUserByLogin() : object
- Return a user by its login
- getWorkflow() : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow|bool
- Return workflow by its Id
- getWorkflowAction() : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action|bool
- Return a workflow action by its id
- getWorkflowActionByName() : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action|bool
- Return a workflow action by its name
- getWorkflowByName() : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow|bool
- Return workflow by its name
- getWorkflowState() : bool|SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State
- Return a workflow state by its id
- getWorkflowStateByName() : bool|SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State
- Return workflow state by its name
- getWorkflowTransition() : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Transition|bool
- Return a workflow transition by its id
- getWrongFiletypeDocumentContent() : bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>
- Returns document content which has the incorrect file type
- hasCallback() : bool
- Check if a callback with the given name has been set
- inList() : bool|int
- Checks if a list of objects contains a single object by comparing their IDs
- makeTimeStamp() : int|bool
- Create a unix time stamp
- mergeAccessLists() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Merge access lists
- removeProcessWithoutUserGroup() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Removes all reviews, approvals, receipts, revisions which are not linked to a user, group anymore
- search() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
- Search the database for documents
- setCallback() : bool
- Set a callback function
- setClassname() : string
- Set class name of instantiated objects
- setForceLink() : mixed
- setForceRename() : mixed
- setMaxDirID() : mixed
- Set maximum number of subdirectories per directory
- setRootFolderID() : bool
- Set id of root folder
- setUser() : bool|object
- Set the logged in user
array<string|int, mixed>
list of methods called when certain operations, like removing a document, are executed. Set a callback with SeedDMS_Core_DMS::setCallback(). The key of the array is the internal callback function name. Each array element is an array with two elements: the function name and the parameter passed to the function.
Currently implemented callbacks are:
onPreRemoveDocument($user_param, $document); called before deleting a document. If this function returns false the document will not be deleted.
onPostRemoveDocument($user_param, $document_id); called after the successful deletion of a document.
check if folder/document being accessed is within the rootdir
location in the file system where all the document data is located. This should be an absolute path.
use linkFile() instead of copyFile() when copying the document content into the data store. The default is to copy the file. This parameter only affects the method SeedDMS_Core_Document::addDocument(). Use this with care, because it will leave the original document at its place.
use renameFile() instead of copyFile() when copying the document content into the data store. The default is to copy the file. This parameter only affects the methods SeedDMS_Core_Document::addDocument() and SeedDMS_Core_Document::addDocumentFile(). Setting this to true may save resources especially for large files.
last error message. This can be set by hooks to pass an error message from the hook to the application which has called the method containing the hook. For example SeedDMS_Core_Document::remove() calls the hook 'onPreRemoveDocument'. The hook function can set $dms->lasterror which can than be read when SeedDMS_Core_Document::remove() fails. This variable could be set in any SeedDMS_Core class, but is currently only set by hooks.
maximum number of documents per folder on the filesystem. If this variable is set to a value != 0, the content directory will have a two level hierarchy for document storage.
array<string|int, mixed>
list of status without read right online. DO NOT USE ANYMORE. SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent::getAccessMode() was the only method using it, but it now takes the noReadForStatus info from the user's role
ID of root folder
true if internal cache shall be used
version of pear package
array<string|int, mixed>
cache for various objects
array<string|int, mixed>
list of classnames for objects being instanciate by the dms
reference to database object. This must be an instance of SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess.
array<string|int, mixed>
list of decorators for objects being instanciate by the dms
reference to currently logged in user. This must be an instance of SeedDMS_Core_User. This variable is currently not used. It is set by SeedDMS_Core_DMS::setUser().
Create a new instance of the dms
__construct(SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess $db, string $contentDir) : mixed
- $db : SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess
object of class SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess to access the underlying database
- $contentDir : string
path in filesystem containing the data store all document contents is stored
Add a new attribute definition
addAttributeDefinition(string $name, $objtype, string $type[, bool|int $multiple = 0 ][, int $minvalues = 0 ][, int $maxvalues = 1 ][, string $valueset = '' ][, string $regex = '' ]) : bool|SeedDMS_Core_User
- $name : string
name of attribute
- $objtype :
- $type : string
type of attribute
- $multiple : bool|int = 0
set to 1 if attribute has multiple attributes
- $minvalues : int = 0
minimum number of values
- $maxvalues : int = 1
maximum number of values if multiple is set
- $valueset : string = ''
list of allowed values (csv format)
- $regex : string = ''
Return values
Add a callback function
addCallback(string $name, mixed $func[, mixed $params = null ]) : bool
The function passed in $func must be a callable and $name must not be empty. This method does not check if there is a callback with the given name.
- $name : string
internal name of callback
- $func : mixed
function name as expected by {call_user_method}
- $params : mixed = null
parameter passed as the first argument to the callback
Return values
bool —true if adding the callback succeeds otherwise false
Add a decorator
addDecorator(string $objectname, mixed $decorator) : bool
This method adds a single decorator class name to the list of decorators of those objects being instantiated by the dms. Each class has an internal place holder, which must be passed to function.
- $objectname : string
placeholder (can be one of 'folder', 'document', 'documentcontent', 'user', 'group')
- $decorator : mixed
Return values
bool —true if decorator could be added, otherwise false
Add a new document category
addDocumentCategory(string $name) : SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory|bool
This method calls the hook onPostAddDocumentCategory
if the new
category was added successfully.
- $name : string
name of category
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory|bool —instance of SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory or false if the category already exists or in case of an error.
Create a new user group
addGroup(string $name, string $comment) : SeedDMS_Core_Group|bool
- $name : string
name of group
- $comment : string
comment of group
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Group|bool —instance of SeedDMS_Core_Group or false in case of an error.
addKeywordCategory(mixed $userID, mixed $name) : mixed
- $userID : mixed
- $name : mixed
Create a new role
addRole(string $name, mixed $role) : object
- $name : string
name of role
- $role : mixed
Return values
object —addTransmittal()
Create a new transmittal
addTransmittal(string $name, string $comment, object $user) : object
- $name : string
name of group
- $comment : string
comment of group
- $user : object
user this transmittal belongs to
Return values
object —addUser()
Add a new user
addUser(string $login, string $pwd, string $fullName, string $email, string $language, string $theme, string $comment[, int|string $role = '3' ][, int $isHidden = 0 ][, int $isDisabled = 0 ][, string $pwdexpiration = '' ][, int $quota = 0 ][, null $homefolder = null ]) : bool|SeedDMS_Core_User
This method calls the hook onPostAddUser
after the user has been
added successfully.
- $login : string
login name
- $pwd : string
hashed password of new user
- $fullName : string
full name of user
- $email : string
Email of new user
- $language : string
language of new user
- $theme : string
- $comment : string
comment of new user
- $role : int|string = '3'
role of new user (can be 0=normal, 1=admin, 2=guest)
- $isHidden : int = 0
hide user in all lists, if this is set login is still allowed
- $isDisabled : int = 0
disable user and prevent login
- $pwdexpiration : string = ''
- $quota : int = 0
- $homefolder : null = null
Return values
bool|SeedDMS_Core_User —or false if the user already exists or in case of an error
Add a new workflow
addWorkflow(string $name, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State $initstate) : bool|SeedDMS_Core_Workflow
- $name : string
name of workflow
- $initstate : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State
initial state of workflow
Return values
Add new workflow action
addWorkflowAction(string $name) : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action|bool
- $name : string
name of workflow action
Return values
Add new workflow state
addWorkflowState(string $name, int $docstatus) : bool|SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State
- $name : string
name of workflow state
- $docstatus : int
document status when this state is reached
Return values
Checks if date conforms to a given format
static checkDate(string $date[, string $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ]) : bool
- $date : string
date to be checked
- $format : string = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
format of date. Will default to 'Y-m-d H:i:s' if format is not given.
Return values
bool —true if date is in propper format, otherwise false
Returns a list of documents and error message not linked in the tree
checkDocuments() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
This method checks all documents in the database.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|boolcheckFolders()
Returns a list of folders and error message not linked in the tree
checkFolders() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
This method checks all folders in the database.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|boolcheckIfEqual()
Checks if two objects are equal by comparing their IDs
static checkIfEqual(object $object1, object $object2) : bool
The regular php check done by '==' compares all attributes of two objects, which is often not required. This method will first check if the objects are instances of the same class and than if they have the same id.
- $object1 : object
first object to be compared
- $object2 : object
second object to be compared
Return values
bool —true if objects are equal, otherwise false
Check if hash for a password request is valid.
checkPasswordRequest(string $hash) : bool|SeedDMS_Core_User
This method searches a previously created password request and returns the user.
- $hash : string
Return values
Check if the version in the database is the same as of this package Only the major and minor version number will be checked.
checkVersion() : bool
Return values
bool —returns false if versions do not match, but returns true if version matches or table tblVersion does not exists.
Returns all documents with a predefined search criteria
countTasks(string $listtype[, object $user = null ][, mixed $param5 = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $listtype : string
type of document list, can be 'AppRevByMe', 'AppRevOwner', 'ReceiptByMe', 'ReviseByMe', 'LockedByMe', 'MyDocs'
- $user : object = null
- $param5 : mixed = true
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of documents records
Create a token to request a new password.
createPasswordRequest(SeedDMS_Core_User $user) : string|bool
This method will not delete the password but just creates an entry
in tblUserRequestPassword
indicating a password request.
- $user : SeedDMS_Core_User
Return values
string|bool —hash value of false in case of an error
Delete a password request
deletePasswordRequest(string $hash) : bool
- $hash : string
Return values
Filter out objects which are not accessible in a given mode by a user.
static filterAccess(array<string|int, mixed> $objArr, object $user, int $minMode) : array<string|int, mixed>
The list of objects to be checked can be of any class, but has to have a method getAccessMode($user) which checks if the given user has at least the access right on the object as passed in $minMode. Hence, passing a group instead of a user is possible.
This function can be used for documents and folders and calls or . A document is also filtered out if it has no latest content, which can happen if access on documents in a certain state has been restricted.
- $objArr : array<string|int, mixed>
list of objects (either documents or folders)
- $user : object
user for which access is checked
- $minMode : int
minimum access mode required (M_ANY, M_NONE, M_READ, M_READWRITE, M_ALL)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —filtered list of objects
static filterDocumentFiles(mixed $user, mixed $files) : mixed
- $user : mixed
- $files : mixed
Filter out document links which can not be accessed by a given user
static filterDocumentLinks(object $user, array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink> $links[, string $access = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a filtered list of links which are accessible by the given user. A link is only accessible, if it is publically visible, owned by the user, or the accessing user is an administrator.
- $user : object
user for which access is being checked
- $links : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink>
list of objects of type SeedDMS_Core_DocumentLink
- $access : string = ''
set if source or target of link shall be checked for sufficient access rights. Set to 'source' if the source document of a link is to be checked, set to 'target' for the target document. If not set, then access rights will not be checked at all.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —filtered list of links
Filter out users which cannot access an object in a given mode.
static filterUsersByAccess(object $obj, array<string|int, mixed> $users, int $minMode) : array<string|int, mixed>
The list of users to be checked can be of any class, but has to have a method getAccessMode($user) which checks if a user has at least the access right as passed in $minMode. Hence, passing a list of groups instead of users is possible.
- $obj : object
object that shall be accessed
- $users : array<string|int, mixed>
list of users/groups which are to check for sufficient access rights
- $minMode : int
minimum access right on the object for each user (M_ANY, M_NONE, M_READ, M_READWRITE, M_ALL)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —filtered list of users
Return list of all attribute definitions
getAllAttributeDefinitions([int|array<string|int, mixed> $objtype = 0 ][, int|array<string|int, mixed> $type = 0 ]) : bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition>
- $objtype : int|array<string|int, mixed> = 0
select those attribute definitions defined for an object type
- $type : int|array<string|int, mixed> = 0
select those attribute definitions defined for a type
Return values
bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition> —of instances of SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition or false or false
Get a list of all groups
getAllGroups() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Group>
Return values
array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Group> —array of instances of SeedDMS_Core_Group
getAllKeywordCategories([mixed $userIDs = array() ]) : mixed
- $userIDs : mixed = array()
Return list of all roles
getAllRoles([mixed $orderby = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $orderby : mixed = ''
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getAllTransmittals()
Return list of all transmittals
getAllTransmittals([mixed $user = null ][, mixed $orderby = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $user : mixed = null
- $orderby : mixed = ''
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —getAllUserKeywordCategories()
This method should be replaced by getAllKeywordCategories()
getAllUserKeywordCategories( $userID) : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_KeywordCategory>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_KeywordCategory>|boolgetAllUsers()
Return list of all users
getAllUsers([string $orderby = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $orderby : string = ''
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of instances of SeedDMS_Core_User or false in case of an error
Return list of workflow action
getAllWorkflowActions() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action>|bool —list of instances of SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action or false
Return list of all workflows
getAllWorkflows() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow>|bool —of instances of SeedDMS_Core_Workflow or false
Return list of all workflow states
getAllWorkflowStates() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State>|bool —of instances of SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State or false
Return a attribute definition by its id
getAttributeDefinition(int $id) : bool|SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition
This method retrieves a attribute definitionr from the database by its id.
- $id : int
internal id of attribute defintion
Return values
bool|SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition —or false
Return a attribute definition by its name
getAttributeDefinitionByName(string $name) : SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition|bool
This method retrieves an attribute def. from the database by its name.
- $name : string
internal name of attribute def.
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition|bool —instance of SeedDMS_Core_AttributeDefinition or false
Return class name of classes instanciated by SeedDMS_Core
getClassname(string $objectname) : string
This method returns the class name of those objects being instantiated by the dms. Each class has an internal place holder, which must be passed to function.
- $objectname : string
placeholder (can be one of 'folder', 'document', 'documentcontent', 'user', 'group')
Return values
string —name of class or false if object name is invalid
Return database where meta data is stored
getDB() : SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess
This method returns the database object as it was set by the first parameter of the constructor.
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_DatabaseAccess —database
Return the database version
getDBVersion() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|boolgetDecorators()
Return list of decorators
getDecorators(string $objectname) : array<string|int, mixed>
This method returns the list of decorator class names of those objects being instantiated by the dms. Each class has an internal place holder, which must be passed to function.
- $objectname : string
placeholder (can be one of 'folder', 'document', 'documentcontent', 'user', 'group')
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of class names or false if object name is invalid
Return a document by its id
getDocument(int $id) : SeedDMS_Core_Document
This method retrieves a document from the database by its id.
- $id : int
internal id of document
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Document —instance of SeedDMS_Core_Document, null or false
Returns a document by its name
getDocumentByName(string $name[, object $folder = null ]) : SeedDMS_Core_Document|null|bool
This method searches a document by its name and restricts the search to the given folder if passed as the second parameter. If there are more than one document with that name, then only the one with the highest id will be returned.
- $name : string
Name of the document
- $folder : object = null
parent folder of document
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Document|null|bool —found document or null if not document was found or false in case of an error
Returns a document by the original file name of the last version
getDocumentByOriginalFilename(string $name[, object $folder = null ]) : SeedDMS_Core_Document|null|bool
This method searches a document by the name of the last document version and restricts the search to given folder if passed as the second parameter. If there are more than one document with that name, then only the one with the highest id will be returned.
- $name : string
Name of the original file
- $folder : object = null
parent folder of document
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Document|null|bool —found document or null if not document was found or false in case of an error
getDocumentCategories() : mixed
getDocumentCategory(mixed $id) : mixed
- $id : mixed
Get a category by its name
getDocumentCategoryByName(string $name) : SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory|bool
The name of a category is by default unique.
- $name : string
human readable name of category
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory|bool —instance of SeedDMS_Core_DocumentCategory
Return a document content by its id
getDocumentContent(int $id) : bool|null|SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent
This method retrieves a document content from the database by its id.
- $id : int
internal id of document content
Return values
bool|null|SeedDMS_Core_DocumentContent —found document content or null if not document content was found or false in case of an error
Returns all documents with a predefined search criteria
getDocumentList(string $listtype[, SeedDMS_Core_User $param1 = null ][, bool|int|string $param2 = false ][, string $param3 = '' ][, string $param4 = '' ][, bool $param5 = true ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
The records return have the following elements
From Table tblDocuments [id] => id of document [name] => name of document [comment] => comment of document [date] => timestamp of creation date of document [expires] => timestamp of expiration date of document [owner] => user id of owner [folder] => id of parent folder [folderList] => column separated list of folder ids, e.g. :1:41: [inheritAccess] => 1 if access is inherited [defaultAccess] => default access mode [locked] => always -1 (TODO: is this field still used?) [keywords] => keywords of document [sequence] => sequence of document
From Table tblDocumentLocks [lockUser] => id of user locking the document
From Table tblDocumentStatusLog [version] => latest version of document [statusID] => id of latest status log [documentID] => id of document [status] => current status of document [statusComment] => comment of current status [statusDate] => datetime when the status was entered, e.g. 2014-04-17 21:35:51 [userID] => id of user who has initiated the status change
From Table tblUsers [ownerName] => name of owner of document [statusName] => name of user who has initiated the status change
- $listtype : string
type of document list, can be 'AppRevByMe', 'AppRevOwner', 'ReceiptByMe', 'ReviseByMe', 'LockedByMe', 'MyDocs'
- $param1 : SeedDMS_Core_User = null
- $param2 : bool|int|string = false
if set to true 'ReviewByMe', 'ApproveByMe', 'AppRevByMe', 'ReviseByMe', 'ReceiptByMe' will also return documents which the reviewer, approver, etc. has already taken care of. If set to false only untouched documents will be returned. In case of 'ExpiredOwner', 'SleepingReviseByMe' this parameter contains the number of days (a negative number is allowed) relativ to the current date or a date in format 'yyyy-mm-dd' (even in the past).
- $param3 : string = ''
sort list by this field
- $param4 : string = ''
order direction
- $param5 : bool = true
set to false if expired documents shall not be considered
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|boolgetDocumentsByUser()
Returns all documents of a given user
getDocumentsByUser(object $user) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $user : object
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of documents
Returns all documents which already expired or will expire in the future
getDocumentsExpired(string $date[, SeedDMS_Core_User $user = null ][, string $orderby = 'e' ][, string $orderdir = 'desc' ][, bool $update = true ]) : bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>
The parameter $date will be relative to the start of the day. It can be either a number of days (if an integer is passed) or a date string in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. If the parameter $date is a negative number or a date in the past, then all documents from the start of that date till the end of the current day will be returned. If $date is a positive integer or $date is a date in the future, then all documents from the start of the current day till the end of the day of the given date will be returned. Passing 0 or the current date in $date, will return all documents expiring the current day.
- $date : string
date in format YYYY-MM-DD or an integer with the number of days. A negative value will cover the days in the past.
- $user : SeedDMS_Core_User = null
limits the documents on those owned by this user
- $orderby : string = 'e'
n=name, e=expired
- $orderdir : string = 'desc'
d=desc or a=asc
- $update : bool = true
update status of document if set to true
Return values
bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>getDocumentsInReception()
Return all waiting receptions
getDocumentsInReception() : array<string|int, mixed>
This function retrieves all waiting receptions and it associated document version
{see SeedDMS_Core_DMS::getDocumentsInRevision()}
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of receptions or false in case of an error
Return all documents revisors waiting for a revision to start (sleeping) or are required to revise the document (waiting)
getDocumentsInRevision() : array<string|int, mixed>
This function retrieves all revisors which are waiting for revision or already in revision Note: the name of the method is somewhat misleading, because it does not return documents but just database records from table tblDocumentRevisors and tblDocumentRevisionLog
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of revisors or false in case of an error
Returns all documents locked by a given user
getDocumentsLockedByUser(object $user) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $user : object
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —list of documents
Returns document content which is duplicated
getDuplicateDocumentContent() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
This method is for finding document content which is available twice in the database. The checksum of a document content was introduced in version 4.0.0 of SeedDMS for finding duplicates.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|boolgetDuplicateSequenceNo()
Returns folders which contain documents with none unique sequence number
getDuplicateSequenceNo() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
This method is for finding folders with documents not having a unique sequence number. Those documents cannot propperly be sorted by sequence and changing their position is impossible if more than two documents with the same sequence number exists, e.g. doc 1: 3 doc 2: 5 doc 3: 5 doc 4: 5 doc 5: 7 If document 4 was to be moved between doc 1 and 2 it get sequence number 4 ((5+3)/2). But if document 4 was to be moved between doc 2 and 3 it will again have sequence number 5.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|boolgetFolder()
Return a folder by its id
getFolder(int $id) : SeedDMS_Core_Folder
This method retrieves a folder from the database by its id.
- $id : int
internal id of folder
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Folder —instance of SeedDMS_Core_Folder or false
Return a folder by its name
getFolderByName(string $name[, SeedDMS_Core_Folder $folder = null ]) : SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool
This method retrieves a folder from the database by its name. The search covers the whole database. If the parameter $folder is not null, it will search for the name only within this parent folder. It will not be done recursively.
- $name : string
name of the folder
- $folder : SeedDMS_Core_Folder = null
parent folder
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool —found folder or false
Get a group by its id
getGroup(int $id) : SeedDMS_Core_Group|bool
- $id : int
id of group
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Group|bool —group or false if no group was found
Get a group by its name
getGroupByName(string $name) : SeedDMS_Core_Group|bool
- $name : string
name of group
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Group|bool —group or false if no group was found
getKeywordCategory(mixed $id) : mixed
- $id : mixed
getKeywordCategoryByName(mixed $name, mixed $userID) : mixed
- $name : mixed
- $userID : mixed
Get the logged in user
getLoggedInUser() : SeedDMS_Core_User
Returns the currently logged in user, previously set by SeedDMS_Core_DMS::setUser()
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_User —$user
Returns document content which has no checksum set
getNoChecksumDocumentContent() : bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>
This method is for finding document content without a checksum set in the database. The checksum of a document content was introduced in version 4.0.0 of SeedDMS for finding duplicates.
Return values
bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>getNoFileSizeDocumentContent()
Returns document content which has no file size set
getNoFileSizeDocumentContent() : array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>|bool
This method is for finding document content without a file size set in the database. The file size of a document content was introduced in version 4.0.0 of SeedDMS for implementation of user quotas.
Return values
array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>|boolgetNotificationsByGroup()
Get all notifications for a group
getNotificationsByGroup(object $group[, int $type = 0 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
deprecated: User SeedDMS_Core_Group::getNotifications()
- $group : object
group for which notifications are to be retrieved
- $type : int = 0
type of item (T_DOCUMENT or T_FOLDER)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —array of notifications
Get all notifications for a user
getNotificationsByUser(object $user[, int $type = 0 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
deprecated: User SeedDMS_Core_User::getNotifications()
- $user : object
user for which notifications are to be retrieved
- $type : int = 0
type of item (T_DOCUMENT or T_FOLDER)
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —array of notifications
Returns a list of reviews, approvals, receipts, revisions which are not linked to a user, group anymore
getProcessWithoutUserGroup(string $process, string $usergroup) : array<string|int, mixed>
This method is for finding reviews or approvals whose user or group was deleted and not just removed from the process.
- $process : string
- $usergroup : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>getRole()
Get a role by its id
getRole(int $id) : object
- $id : int
id of role
Return values
object —role or false if no role was found
Get a role by its name
getRoleByName(int $name) : object
- $name : int
name of role
Return values
object —role or false if no role was found
Get root folder
getRootFolder() : SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Folder|bool —return the object of the root folder or false if the root folder id was not set before with SeedDMS_Core_DMS::setRootFolderID().
Returns statitical information
getStatisticalData([string $type = '' ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
This method returns all kind of statistical information like documents or used space per user, recent activity, etc.
- $type : string = ''
type of statistic
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|bool —returns false if the sql statement fails, returns an empty array if no documents or folder where found, otherwise returns a non empty array with statistical data
Get a transmittal by its id
getTransmittal(int $id) : object
- $id : int
id of transmittal
Return values
object —transmittal or false if no group was found
Get a transmittal by its name
getTransmittalByName(string $name) : object
- $name : string
name of transmittal
Return values
object —transmittal or false if no group was found
Returns document content which is not linked to a document
getUnlinkedDocumentContent() : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
This method is for finding straying document content without a parent document. In normal operation this should not happen but little checks for database consistency and possible errors in the application may have left over document content though the document is gone already.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|boolgetUser()
Return a user by its id
getUser(int $id) : SeedDMS_Core_User|bool
This method retrieves a user from the database by its id.
- $id : int
internal id of user
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_User|bool —instance of SeedDMS_Core_User or false
Return a user by its email
getUserByEmail(int $email) : object
This method retrieves a user from the database by its email. It is needed when the user requests a new password.
- $email : int
email address of user
Return values
object —instance of SeedDMS_Core_User or false in case of an error
Return a user by its login
getUserByLogin(string $login[, string $email = '' ]) : object
This method retrieves a user from the database by its login. If the second optional parameter $email is not empty, the user must also have the given email.
- $login : string
internal login of user
- $email : string = ''
email of user
Return values
object —instance of SeedDMS_Core_User or false
Return workflow by its Id
getWorkflow(int $id) : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow|bool
- $id : int
internal id of workflow
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Workflow|bool —of instances of SeedDMS_Core_Workflow, null if no workflow was found or false
Return a workflow action by its id
getWorkflowAction(int $id) : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action|bool
This method retrieves a workflow action from the database by its id.
- $id : int
internal id of workflow action
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action|bool —instance of SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action or false
Return a workflow action by its name
getWorkflowActionByName(string $name) : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action|bool
This method retrieves a workflow action from the database by its name.
- $name : string
name of workflow action
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action|bool —instance of SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Action or false
Return workflow by its name
getWorkflowByName(string $name) : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow|bool
- $name : string
name of workflow
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Workflow|bool —of instances of SeedDMS_Core_Workflow or null if no workflow was found or false
Return a workflow state by its id
getWorkflowState(int $id) : bool|SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State
This method retrieves a workflow state from the database by its id.
- $id : int
internal id of workflow state
Return values
bool|SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State —or false
Return workflow state by its name
getWorkflowStateByName(string $name) : bool|SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State
- $name : string
name of workflow state
Return values
bool|SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_State —or false
Return a workflow transition by its id
getWorkflowTransition(int $id) : SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Transition|bool
This method retrieves a workflow transition from the database by its id.
- $id : int
internal id of workflow transition
Return values
SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Transition|bool —instance of SeedDMS_Core_Workflow_Transition or false
Returns document content which has the incorrect file type
getWrongFiletypeDocumentContent() : bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>
This method is for finding document content with an incorrect or missing file type. It just checks documents contents with a certain mime type.
Return values
bool|array<string|int, SeedDMS_Core_Document>hasCallback()
Check if a callback with the given name has been set
hasCallback(string $name) : bool
- $name : string
internal name of callback
Return values
bool —true if callback exists otherwise false
Checks if a list of objects contains a single object by comparing their IDs
static inList(object $object, array<string|int, mixed> $list) : bool|int
This method is only applicable on list containing objects which have a method getID() because it is used to check if two objects are equal. The regular php check on objects done by '==' compares all attributes of two objects, which often isn't required. The method will first check if the objects are instances of the same class.
The result of the function can be 0 which happens if the first element of an indexed array matches.
- $object : object
object to look for (needle)
- $list : array<string|int, mixed>
list of objects (haystack)
Return values
bool|int —index in array if object was found, otherwise false
Create a unix time stamp
makeTimeStamp(int $hour, int $min, int $sec, int $year, int $month, int $day) : int|bool
This method is much like mktime()
but does some range checks
on the passed values.
- $hour : int
- $min : int
- $sec : int
- $year : int
- $month : int
- $day : int
Return values
int|bool —unix time stamp or false if range check failed
Merge access lists
static mergeAccessLists(array<string|int, mixed> $first, mixed $second) : array<string|int, mixed>
Merges two access lists. Objects of the second list will override objects in the first list.
- $first : array<string|int, mixed>
list of access rights as returned by SeedDMS_Core_Document:: getAccessList() or SeedDMS_Core_Folder::getAccessList()
- $second : mixed
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —merged list
Removes all reviews, approvals, receipts, revisions which are not linked to a user, group anymore
removeProcessWithoutUserGroup(string $process, string $usergroup[, int $id = 0 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
This method is for removing all reviews or approvals whose user or group was deleted and not just removed from the process. If the optional parameter $id is set, only this user/group id is removed.
- $process : string
- $usergroup : string
- $id : int = 0
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>search()
Search the database for documents
search(string $query[, int $limit = 0 ][, int $offset = 0 ][, string $logicalmode = 'AND' ][, array<string|int, mixed> $searchin = array() ][, SeedDMS_Core_Folder|null $startFolder = null ][, SeedDMS_Core_User $owner = null ][, array<string|int, mixed> $status = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $creationstartdate = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $creationenddate = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $modificationstartdate = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $modificationenddate = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $categories = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = array() ][, int $mode = 0x3 ][, array<string|int, mixed> $expirationstartdate = array() ][, array<string|int, mixed> $expirationenddate = array() ][, mixed $reception = array() ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool
Note: the creation date will be used to check againts the date saved with the document or folder. The modification date will only be used for documents. It is checked against the creation date of the document content. This meanѕ that updateѕ of a document will only result in a searchable modification if a new version is uploaded.
If the search is filtered by an expiration date, only documents with an expiration date will be found. Even if just an end date is given.
dates, integers and floats fields are treated as ranges (expecting a 'from' and 'to' value) unless they have a value set.
- $query : string
seach query with space separated words
- $limit : int = 0
number of items in result set
- $offset : int = 0
index of first item in result set
- $logicalmode : string = 'AND'
either AND or OR
- $searchin : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
list of fields to search in 1 = keywords, 2=name, 3=comment, 4=attributes, 5=id
- $startFolder : SeedDMS_Core_Folder|null = null
search in the folder only (null for root folder)
- $owner : SeedDMS_Core_User = null
search for documents owned by this user
- $status : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
list of status
- $creationstartdate : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
search for documents created after this date
- $creationenddate : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
search for documents created before this date
- $modificationstartdate : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
search for documents modified after this date
- $modificationenddate : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
search for documents modified before this date
- $categories : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
list of categories the documents must have assigned
- $attributes : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
list of attributes. The key of this array is the attribute definition id. The value of the array is the value of the attribute. If the attribute may have multiple values it must be an array. attributes with a range must have the elements 'from' and 'to'
- $mode : int = 0x3
decide whether to search for documents/folders 0x1 = documents only 0x2 = folders only 0x3 = both
- $expirationstartdate : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
search for documents expiring after and on this date
- $expirationenddate : array<string|int, mixed> = array()
search for documents expiring before and on this date
- $reception : mixed = array()
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|boolsetCallback()
Set a callback function
setCallback(string $name, mixed $func[, mixed $params = null ]) : bool
The function passed in $func must be a callable and $name must not be empty.
Setting a callback with this method will remove all previously set callbacks. Use SeedDMS_Core_DMS::addCallback() to register additional callbacks. This method does not check if there is a callback with the given name.
- $name : string
internal name of callback
- $func : mixed
function name as expected by {call_user_method}
- $params : mixed = null
parameter passed as the first argument to the callback
Return values
bool —true if adding the callback succeeds otherwise false
Set class name of instantiated objects
setClassname(string $objectname, string $classname) : string
This method sets the class name of those objects being instatiated by the dms. It is mainly used to create a new class (possible inherited from one of the available classes) implementing new features. The method should be called in the postInitDMS hook.
- $objectname : string
placeholder (can be one of 'folder', 'document', 'documentcontent', 'user', 'group'
- $classname : string
name of class
Return values
string —name of old class or false if not set
setForceLink(mixed $enable) : mixed
- $enable : mixed
setForceRename(mixed $enable) : mixed
- $enable : mixed
Set maximum number of subdirectories per directory
setMaxDirID(int $id) : mixed
The value of maxDirID is quite crucial, because each document is
stored within a directory in the filesystem. Consequently, there can be
a maximum number of documents, because depending on the file system
the maximum number of subdirectories is limited. Since version 3.3.0 of
SeedDMS an additional directory level has been introduced, which
will be created when maxDirID is not 0. All documents
from 1 to maxDirID-1 will be saved in 1/
Modern file systems like ext4 do not have any restrictions on the number of subdirectories anymore. Therefore it is best if this parameter is set to 0. Never change this parameter if documents has already been created.
This method must be called right after creating an instance of SeedDMS_Core_DMS
- $id : int
id of root folder
Set id of root folder
setRootFolderID(int $id) : bool
This method must be called right after creating an instance of SeedDMS_Core_DMS
The new root folder id will only be set if the folder actually exists. In that case the old root folder id will be returned. If it does not exists, the method will return false;
- $id : int
id of root folder
Return values
bool —old root folder id if new root folder exists, otherwise false
Set the logged in user
setUser(object $user) : bool|object
This method tells SeeDMS_Core_DMS the currently logged in user. It must be called right after instanciating the class, because some methods in SeedDMS_Core_Document() require the currently logged in user.
- $user : object
this muss not be empty and an instance of SeedDMS_Core_User
Return values
bool|object —returns the old user object or null on success, otherwise false